Community Services Group 9 in Mulung Village, Gresik

241 – It was exactly on Thursday (25/7/2024), at Campus B, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA), all students are doing the Community Services Program (KKN), gathering in the basement Aula. They were sent to various rural areas in Gresik and today is Day three (27/7). Group 9 in particular was placed in Mulung Village, Driyorejo, Gresik. There were 19 students from various majors placed in this village.

The Chairperson of Group 9 was Abian Dimas, with Deputy Chairperson Radika Putri, and Secretaries Vira Anggraini and Julia Damai Yanti. The group treasurers were Amanda Elza Viorela and Chintia Maharani. There was an event committee in this opening, namely, Novan Kurnia, Akmal Fahrizal, and Putri Leony. The public relations committee was Tiffany Marinda, Sukma Dewi Aisyah, and Shofiyah Ajeng. Also equipped with the Consumption Committee, Anindhita Putri, Fatimatuz Zahro. The Equipment Committee, Ayu Puspita, Pravita Kamilah, Farhan Putra. And Section PDD, Okta Wanda, Elsya Octaviani.

The opening of the Community Services (KKN) specifically for Group 9 was held on Friday (26/7/2024) at the village hall of the Village Head’s Office at exactly 08:30. This event was attended by the Village Head Subagyo, S.H., and all village officials. “We welcome UNUSA students and hope that we can work together to implement synergistic programs,” said the Village Head in his speech.

According to the Head of Mulung Village, there is a very important program, namely the waste problem. In addition, there is a program that has been carried out by the KKN program from another university before but has not been completed, namely the problem of house numbering. Therefore, UNUSA KKN students are expected to be able to continue the program within the next three weeks.

One of the supervising lecturers, Mrs. Endah Prayekti, S.Si., M.Si., gave advice to the students that they have to do the program conveyed by the Village Head in his speech during the opening ceremony. “Ready, Mrs. Endah, hopefully we can all carry it out well,” the students answered simultaneously in unison at that time.

Meanwhile, Dr. Drs. Djuwari, M.Hum, also the supervising lecturer for Group 9, in his opening remarks, expressed his gratitude to the Village Head for his warm welcome and acceptance. Djuwari also advised all students who are doing KKN in this village to work well with the guidance of the village officials.

This Community Services began on Thursday (25/7/2024) and would be ended on 15 August 2024, lasting for three weeks. In this short time, it is expected that the planned program can be completed so that everyone can benefit from it. (Bas/Djuw)


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